Sunday, October 21, 2007

Rosie Speaks Out About Ellen

Rosie posts a reply on her blog regarding a question about Ellen and her recent dog controversy.

"So what did you think of the 'Ellen' thing???"
"I think she is wonderful," Rosie replies, adding, "and tired, and deserves a vacation."

Rosie has spoken against Ellen before saying that she Gay downs her show and had signed a contract that said she wouldn’t talk too much about being gay.


Anonymous said...

Classic! Good ol' Rosie if I do recall continuously professed her love for the "Tickle Me Elmo" doll and her honey "Tom Cruise" all the time she had her own show. Talk about no mention of being gay!!! It's funny though when she finally moved around to other talk shows...she all the sudden became the self-proclaimed spokeswoman for "Gay America". Sadly all I hear from her these days is boring and "Blah, blah, blah". Where's the relevance?

Anonymous said...

Rosie will be Rosie, and Ellen will be Ellen. No matter what, it'll always be a "Battle of the Butches," to see who's tougher than who.