Monday, November 19, 2007

Ellen's Really Big Show Snack Requirements

Ellen talked to Entertainment Weekly about how to prepare for watching her really big variety show tonight at 9 on TBS.

What about snacks?
I would steer clear of food. There's a possibility of choking, because of all the laughing you'll be doing. If anything, a pudding -- some time of bread pudding, or a rice pudding.

What are some things viewers at home can do to prepare for a show of such Massive Proportions?
Well, you want to wear loose-fitting clothing. Like a sweat type of pant, or pajamas. I would not wear anything tight, and I would try to stretch out. If you have a lounge chair, some kind of a chaise lounge, or some pillows -- ooh, or maybe a bean bag chair would really be the best thing to handle all the laughing. You'll be able to lean forward for a belly laugh, then stretch backwards with the ''Ohhhhh!" –- you know what I mean?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No offense to Ellen, but I'm glad I didn't watch the whole thing. I was lucky to get a chuckle or two out of myself from what I did manage to watch.