Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Whoopi's Pissing People Off Already!

Bisexual Whoopi Goldberg started her first day on the View Tuesday and is already pissing people off.

Goldberg commented Michael Vick's dog fighting crimes by stating that there are things that are "indicative to certain parts of our country".

After PETA President Michelle Cho gave her a e-mail lashing "I think a lot of people who live and work in the South -- as PETA does -- will not appreciate the "view" that cruelty to dogs is an accepted Southern pastime. Animals are as vulnerable to abuse as children are, and they need your voice more than Vick does right now."

Today Whoopi updated her statement saying she was "not condoning" Vick's actions.

Goodluck Whoopi they are coming after you already!

Also Barbara Walters announced on that they would be announcing a second new co-host on Monday (September 10th). Sherri Shepard please, we like Sherri Shepard!


Anonymous said...

If not Whoopi or Rosie, then who?

For Va Jay Jays Only said...

i love whoopi...but i stopped watching the view after rosie left...