Sunday, August 19, 2007

Uhura Still Hot And A Hero

So I never watched much of the original Star Trek, at least until I married a Trekkie. I was more of a Next Generation fan. Security Officer Tasha Yar was my Star Trek “it girl”. But I have to give it up for my girl Uhura she was one of the first women of sci-fi and a noted role model for Whoopi Goldberg and Dr. Mae Jemison The first black women to fly in the space shuttle. Uhura had the first interracial kiss on television and was the inspiration for the bluetooth headset. lol

It has just been announced that Nichelle Nichols will be guest staring on NBC hit show Heroes to play “Nana” grandmother to a New Orleans genetically evolved hero Monica.

No word yet on whether Nana with have any special powers of her own, besides the power to “whoop your behind till you are sorry”

Jodie's Licks and Lies

In her new interview with More magazine, Foster is asked about her sexuality in a roundabout way and she continues to try and hide who she truly is.

Let's talk about your ring.
This one? [Proffers left hand] It's Tiffany, an eternity ring.

You're wearing it on your wedding ring finger.
I am. I've always worn a ring. Even taking photos. Even on magazine covers. I don't take it off.

Don't you think wearing a ring like that raises questions?
Well, but that's my life. ... My life is my life. I'm not going to change my life for anybody. I just don't talk about my dad, my health, who I voted for or what I think of the death penalty because that would be trivializing my life, selling it for a magazine. I don't have any problems with anybody reporting on my life. It's just that I'm not going to bring my family into that. The number-one reason for that is: Why would I invite — encourage — more people to sit outside my door and wait for my children to go to school? I don't have any desire to participate in it.

When I interviewed you in 1994, you scoffed at the idea of cosmetic surgery. Now, as the crow's feet start to appear, have you adjusted your stance?
Nah. It's not my thing. I don't have anything against it for other people. Whatever they want to do, I'm fine with it. For me, it's really a self-image thing. Like, I'd rather have somebody go, "Wow, that girl has a big nose" than "Wow, that girl has a bad nose job." I'd rather have a comment about who I am than about something that identifies me as being ashamed of who I am.

“Wow, that girl is a big closeted dyke!” Does it hurt Jodie? You are being identified as being ashamed of who you are, ashamed of your wife and the life you live. Your children share her name why can’t you speak it.

I don’t want her outed, wearing rainbow t-shirts or marching in parades, I just want her to speak the truth. Let her name be counted along with the rest of us and be a true inspiration to young lesbians everywhere.

We need you Jodie, please come join us.