Monday, September 17, 2007

Madonna Spreading It All Over.........

Madonna spent Rosh Hashana with Israeli leader Shimon Peres discussing how to advance the peace process, and conciliation and tolerance throughout the world….huh?

Madonna told the president she wants to promote those messages in her songs and books, and how important it was to educate children with those ideas….a....what....huh?

Madonna you’re a pop star not a political or religious power. We look to you to be edgy and entertaining. Don't get me wrong, we LOVE YOU....but do we really need you to help spread world peace..not so much.

Remember this?

Showing Pride With All Those Damn Rainbows

Occasionally I can be down for some rainbow pride, but sometimes too much rainbow is just plain tacky. So I am always out looking for ways I can show my pride in a more subtle and stylish way. Then I found this great website Love and Pride a shop with a great collection and a even greater mission. Besides having some great jewelry (including a The Lword collection and a The queer as folk collection) 10% of your purchases are donated to Lambda Legal. Now that is pride all around.

Check out the designs below.