Saturday, September 22, 2007

Mel C Is Dyke-a-licious!

Sporty Spice still has it going on.
Check out her new single This Time.

Queen Latifah & Her Girlfriend....Trainer....Girlfriend

There have been Lesbian rumors about Queen Latifah for decades now. But seems she's had a lot to say about the subject recently.

In the September issue of Glamour

It's always said about male actors that the minute they're presumed gay, it's a sign they've really made it.
Sweet! That's cool. I don't know if that works for female actors, though. Luckily, this gay thing hasn’t messed up my appeal to the gentlemen, because I have never had any problems meeting men. Maybe they get turned on by the idea of that!

Do you have an opinion on gay marriage?
I don’t know that it should be called marriage. But the idea of it is the same, and you should have the same quality of rights that a married person has. People think of marriage as something that is between a man and a woman, because it was created by God. Well, let God handle the judgment, too. You stay out of it.

In the October issue of Ebony, the Queen makes a statement about the rumored relationship betwee herself and her trainer Jeanette Jenkins: "No comment on that at all. I'm done commenting on all that ... It's ridiculous. I know me and that's all I need to know."

Then in a interview gay publication Dallas Voice the interviewer pointed out that disallowing the term marriage sometimes means denying the protection of domestic violence laws.
"I do support anyone who wants to be married, and I support gays and lesbians having the same rights as anyone else. So no, I don’t agree that gays and lesbians should not be protected against domestic violence, and to even try to goad me into, um, condoning something like that I think is kind of a shallow move on your behalf."

Here is a nice pic of Queen Latifah and her girlfriend for the last four years..sorry I mean trainer Jeanette Jenkins.

And here is the Queen on the cover of the October issue of Ebony......what do you think?

No she's not Gay...not Gay at all!