Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Maggie Gyllenhaal In Bondage

Agent Provocateur lingerie modeled by Maggie Gyllenhaal.

Um...yeah....time for a break....a nap.......and some quiet time in the dark.


Jessica Alba Rocks Gay Club! reported Jessica Alba was spotted in the gay club Play in Toronto this weekend.

I wished she would have called me I would have flown to join her. But we played on Labor Day and she calls me all the time. We are so close, almost like lovers. I mean sisters! Yeah sisters.

Ellen Get's Political

For the Fifth Season premiere of The Ellen DeGeneres Show Ellen remembered she was gay. Hillary Clinton was the guest and Ellen asked very political and serious questions.

She asked Hillary “It’s important to me to be able to commit to someone that I love and have the same benefits and the same rights. If something should happen to me, [to know that] Portia’s taken care of. People who are gay care about that. You support civil unions, but not gay marriage. Why?”

Thank you Ellen for speaking out and being a positive gay voice in day time TV and for America even though Hillary answer was generic for fear truth will lose her the election. Just asking the question reminded your viewers who you are and the rights you have to fight for.

You can watch the episode here.

Whoopi's Pissing People Off Already!

Bisexual Whoopi Goldberg started her first day on the View Tuesday and is already pissing people off.

Goldberg commented Michael Vick's dog fighting crimes by stating that there are things that are "indicative to certain parts of our country".

After PETA President Michelle Cho gave her a e-mail lashing "I think a lot of people who live and work in the South -- as PETA does -- will not appreciate the "view" that cruelty to dogs is an accepted Southern pastime. Animals are as vulnerable to abuse as children are, and they need your voice more than Vick does right now."

Today Whoopi updated her statement saying she was "not condoning" Vick's actions.

Goodluck Whoopi they are coming after you already!

Also Barbara Walters announced on that they would be announcing a second new co-host on Monday (September 10th). Sherri Shepard please, we like Sherri Shepard!