O'Donnell said of Hasselbeck's 2-month-old son Taylor Thomas: "He's very, very cute. I saw him on TV, and I sent him a lovely gift, and [she and Hasselbeck] have been e-mailing each other. And peace prevails."
"I sent something for him and something for his big sister [Grace, 2]," said O'Donnell. "Because, as the mother of four, I know that when the newborn arrives, the most important thing is a sibling gift. For [Taylor], it was a lot of clothes, because babies spit up a lot. I go to Baby Gap. There is a standard newborn gift pack – as much as you can buy at the Gap without being arrested. And a learning gift, a soft shape sorter. And then for [Grace] who is older, I got a tea set that she loves."
um...well I wanted them to feud for years and then battle it out on a special Celebrity episode of American Gladiators. Whatever, I never get what I want.