Melissa Etheridge’s wife, actress
Tammy Lynne Michaels is speaking out for the first time about the
years of abuse she suffered as a child.
Here is a short exerpt from her blog
read more herei remember watching oprah everyday back in the eighties, her hair larger and fluffier than any other's. beautiful. i liked her low voice, her no-nonsense warmth, and her quick-to-laugh-at-herself trait. i don't recall the specific of one show, i only have a vivid recollection of hearing her saying she'd been molested. and how it took her years to understand that it wasn't her fault, that it wasn't her shame to carry, and so on. i didn't hear the rest. i couldn't imagine having the confidence to say the things she was saying. it had never occurred to me to say my nightmares aloud, let alone share the facts with total strangers or an audience of fans. in that moment, in that ice-cold, bone chilling moment of shame-recognition, the securing thought fleeted through my mind: "i'll never tell anyone." and with the promise to myself to lock away the all-too-clear memories, i was able to swallow my spoonful of marshmallow fluff.