Saturday, December 1, 2007

Iron Lesbian Chef Cat Cora

Did everyone know Iron Chef Cat Cora was gay except for me?

Cat was in People Magazines Thanksgiving issue with a wonderful photo of her family, partner and kids included!

Check out her recipe for Turkey Pomegranate Balsamic Reduction Glaze.

1. Combine equal parts pomegranate juice and balsamic vinegar (a good balsamic, but not your most expensive bottle).

2. Heat over medium-low heat for 15 to 20 minutes or until the reduction is syrupy,but not as thick as molasses.


Anonymous said...

Uh hellooooooo, where have you been??jk -lol

Anonymous said...

Cat Cora is not just an Iron Chef... she's the Iron Lesbian! She so rocks my world.

Anonymous said...

Now this is just sad as beautiful as she is. I really thought she was married to a man. I'm a guy and find her very attractive I never thought she was gay. Oh well she have to answer to God for this one.

TJ Mickleborough said...

Anonymous, you are an absolute hillbilly. "Answer to god"? Keep your delusions to yourself.
It's her choice to be Gay and good for her.
They should bring back burning at the stake for things like you.
You disgust me.

Lee said...

Wow TJ - you really showed your intolerance and hatred. "Anonymous" never stated he thought she should die - only that she will have to "answer to God." There's absolutely nothing wrong with that belief.
"Burning at the stake" comment? You are the perfect example that hatred comes from those who are supposed to be the most tolerant. You were the one who wished painful death on another. You were the one who started the name calling. Why don't you examine your own beliefs and deal with those flaws. We are all going to have to answer for something(s)at the end. Enjoy your inhuman rancor.

Michael said...

Zebra - Don't feel bad, I didn't know for the longest time either. Honestly, I'm glad to see that it is her skill and not her personal choices that take center stage on Food Network.

Anon - Her choice and I'm glad that she's happy and successful.

TJ - In the future, try to think before you get baited into lashing out; unless you really mean it, in which case - you should be ashamed...

Lee - Yep...

Sopha said...

Maybe you don't choose whether or not your gay or lesbian or stair or whatever. Maybe you just are and btw: iron chef cat Cora rocks and she's awesome so ya lesbians can be awesome too! ;)
I didn't know she was a lesbian till now! I like her on tv! I love the food network!

Sopha said...

Oh and btw again: TJ, that was mean to hillbillies. I'm pretty sure not all hillbillies are religious. It's just a stereotype of a farm dude with a funky accent who is uneducated. ;) I'm a hillbilly fan and a hippie fan! ;) haha!

Daniel said...

Anon- your pretty cool and I am totally fine that you are religious.
Tj- not cool dude.
Michael- ur a cool dude too!
Lee- I think ur right!
Sopha- ya I think ur right too... But stair?

Sopha said...

I meant strait! ;) stupid autocorrect! ;) haha! ;)
Ok. I just thought I would add that even tho TJ was being kinda mean when he said "they should bring back burning at the steak for things like you" you are still right about the part where you said "anonymous" and "and" and also "good for her" and lastly "TJ"
Seriously dude... We should all keep our religious opinions out of this starting now.
Flowers are pretty! ;)

Anonymous said...

Another awesome woman is on my team!! Yippee!! While I cannot speak for Cat or members of my community, I did not choose to be gay - I was born this way. Reading through the comments, it sounds like everyone is supportive of the gay community. We don't need to bash each other as we are all on the same page. Spud33

Anonymous said...

Ah, yes, TJ. Another open-minded, tolerant liberal. As long as everybody shares your views, right? Everybody's entitled to an opinion, unless it diverges from yours, in which case they should be burned at the stake. You'd have had a blast in Germany in the 30s and 40s.

Unknown said...

I've tried posting this three times now.
Hopefully this time works.
I sincerely apologize for the hurt my words may have caused anyone.
I have definitely changed a lot in the last four years and rereading those words make my stomach turn.
I am sorry for those horrible words.